A missing IE7 feature

Browsers crash occasionally. That’s a fact of computing life. If you have a whole bunch of tabs open, it’s a pain to try to recover the group you were working with.

You can install Firefox extensions that can handle auto-reopening tabs after a crash, and this feature (called Session Restore) is going to be included as a standard option in Firefox 2.

IE7, alas, has no such feature. If you choose to close IE7, you can click a checkbox to reopen those tabs the next time you open IE. So why can’t the error-handling code that triggers this dialog box do the same thing?

If anyone from the IE7 team is reading this post, please put this request on the stack!

6 thoughts on “A missing IE7 feature

  1. Andrew, that command was in the Beta 2 Preview last February but is not in the current version in either Vista or XP, as far as I can see.

    Do you see something different?

  2. I would like to use IE7, however as with all Beta software there are bugs so for the time being I won’t be using it. If IE7 is as good as MS is saying it is, it should not be a problem fixing it. I do think that MS should listen to the people who will use IE7 and act accordingly. Much better for all me thinks. J.B.

  3. Ed, yeah it is not there anymore in the new RC. Why would they remove it? I take it that closing dialog is supposed to replace it?

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