10 thoughts on “Those Firefox smarty-pants

  1. Fanboyism at it’s finest. It will be fun to see Microsoft’s legal hounds jump on this and sue them into oblivion 🙂

  2. The best part about this is that if Microsoft was to do this then they would be ripped a new one by the community. Is it me or does the underdog always end up being just as bad as the supposed Golith they are out to slay?

  3. No, I don’t think Mozilla had anything to do with this either. The point is that Microsoft didn’t think of these domains. Especially ie7.com!

    And no, Rafgar, Tucows didn’t beat Microsoft to anything. Tucows is only the domain registrar. As Neil correctly notes, the domains themselves are registered in the UK. The ie7.com domain has a lock on it, so you can;t tell who owns it. Getie7.com is apparently owned by SynergyCMS.

  4. Just out of interest – did you notice that the IE7.com URL was created back in 99? – Someone else is ‘sat’ on IE8.com. This is nothing new, just flagrant “cybersquatting”. It’s not as bad as the guy who owns ‘windowsupdates.com’ – The extra S makes all the difference, dontcha know.


  5. Hi, just noticed your website in my referrer logs… and yes I own getie7.com, although it was a joke, it was available and I was bored.

    I doubt it will make much of a difference, but if I get one person to convert then it has been more than worth it.

    Although, M$ did send me a letter asking me to hand over control (in January), with a demand that I reply “within 30 days”. I did so, stating that I had no intention to hand it over and that they could not possibly have ownership over the letters “ie”.

    In my reply I also demanded that they replied within 30 days… and I did phone up the legal cretin to check she had received my letter (which she had)… but still no direct reply after 7 months.

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