A visual view of unread feeds

Greg Reinacker of NewsGator has hacked together aprototype of a visually based aggreagtor view:

I’m a visual person, and a lot of the feeds I subscribe to have images in the posts. If I could see all of those images together, I could make some quick decisions about what I want to read now, vs. what I will read later. …

[I]f you have unread stuff, you’ll see a compilation of all of the images in your unread posts. If you click on one, that post will get marked as read in NG/Online, and you’ll get linked out to the post.

If you have a NewsGator account, follow the links to Greg’s post, where you’ll find out how you can use this prototype for a quick visual view of your unread feeds.

No NewsGator account? Here’s a sample of what Greg’s account looked like:

I wouldn’t want to use this all the time, but it sure does offer a different view of my feeds.

Would you use something like this?