Bob Dylan as DJ? Cool!

I don’t care one bit about Howard Stern, but this news makes me want to sign up for XM Radio:

[Bob Dylan] has signed on to serve as host of a weekly one-hour program on XM Satellite Radio, spinning records and offering commentary on new music and other topics, starting in March. The famously reclusive 64-year-old performer said in a statement yesterday that “a lot of my own songs have been played on the radio, but this is the first time I’ve ever been on the other side of the mike.”

 I just noticed yesterday that DirecTV is now offering a limited selection of XM channels as part of its subscription (no extra fee to XM required), and I can also get access to a selection of XM channels via Media Center. If they were available as podcasts, I’d be deliriously happy!

5 thoughts on “Bob Dylan as DJ? Cool!

  1. Pingback: Newsome.Org
  2. Somehow, Bob Dylan as a DJ strikes me about the same as if Woody Allen became a movie critic.

    Here we have a folk/pop/rock icon doing snappy banter in between songs by other artists.

    It just seems so wrong.

  3. Lloyd, if you read Chronicles (volume 1 of Bob’s autobiography released last year) or saw No Direction Home, you’d have a different opinion. I certainly don’t expect snappy banter. I do expect some fascinating music selections from a guy who has been following American music and history for about as long as I’ve been alive, and who will no doubt have some strange and interesting stories to tell. Anyone expecting a slick MTV-style presentation will be disappointed, but musicologists should love it.

  4. I have a hunch that Bob is going to be Bob, and that none of us can predict for sure what he is going to do or say, but we are going to all be there, all ears. The first time I have been this excited about Radio since I was a kid. Say it Bob!

  5. I have been a hold out for all of these years, I am going to break down and buy XM just to hear Bobby banter about and tell stories. He knows the stories and I’d bet he will tell them stories and tales of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s that we all want to hear. Now if Arlo would sit in and talk about tell his stories and Woody’s tales too we would have one enjoyable evening after another. I can’t wait.

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