First public preview of Windows “Blue” scheduled for late June

There’s almost an apologetic tone in this open letter from Microsoft’s Julie Larson-Green:

We know people choose Windows because it’s important to their lives and their businesses. They trust and rely on Windows for serious productivity and more and more serious fun. We are proud to keep evolving Windows in way that brings forward over 25 years of computing and create the platform for tomorrow. As with every radical change, learning is a process. We are getting smarter every day about how to help people learn and make the most of their devices. From work in Windows, to online content, as well materials and demos at retail we are constantly improving and moving forward.

And also confirmation of something we pretty much knew already:

At the WIRED Business Conference I announced we’d share the first public preview of what we are calling internally Windows “Blue” in late June timed with the Build conference. It’s an update to Windows 8 and builds on our vision of modern computing. An OS that lets apps work seamlessly together and put the things you care most about right at your fingertips.  We are excited to share the next steps in this vision soon.

I’ll be there. Very curious to see what’s on deck. It’s more than just a Start button.

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